If someone cries then why should we give him water after crying?

giving someone water after they've cried can beneficial for a few reasons.

Giving someone water after they have cried serves multiple purposes that extend beyond mere hydration. Crying often results in the loss of fluids through tears, leading to potential dehydration. By offering water, we can effectively replenish these lost fluids and help restore the body’s balance.

Moreover, providing water can offer comfort and reassurance to someone who has been crying. It serves as a gesture of care and empathy, indicating our willingness to support them during their emotional distress. This simple act acknowledges their emotional state and demonstrates our concern for their well-being.

Physically, crying can cause dryness in the mouth and throat due to the emotional release and increased breathing rate. Drinking water provides immediate relief from this discomfort, helping to soothe the physical symptoms associated with crying.


For this reason, one should give water after crying

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